Alex Bucknall

Developer Experience Engineer. Edge Computing, FPGA SoCs, Zephyr RTOS.


Things I've written.


Companies I've worked with.


Projects that I've recently worked on.

A KiCAD template for Blues Notecarrier F Shields
HTML 0 0
Example project to show how to handle Notecard Encryption & Notehub Decryption
Python 0 0
A demo of how to use the Blues' Notehub API for pushing new OTA firmware to a remote device using CI
🖥 MicroPython Driver for I2C 2x16 LCD Screens
Python 32 21
KiCAD 7 template for Adafruit Feather Wings
HTML 1 0
Bilge Alarm using Blues Wireless Notecard Cell + WiFi
FLIR Lepton Fusesoc Core (Verilog)
VHDL 2 0


Things that I've worked on.